How to Create Automatic internal links in Blogger Websites blogs post on page SEO 2020

How to Create Automatic internal links in Blogger Websites blogs post on page SEO 2020

Create Automatic internal links in Blogger post

How to Create Automatic internal links in Blogger Websites blogs post on page SEO 2020
Automatic internal links in Blogger post

Friends, if you are a blogger and you want that your second post in your post will also be Automatic Link, for this you will have to follow some steps, after that your other posts will be automatic link in every post.

(Meaning your remaining 4-5 posts in one post will be Automatic Show, it is called Automatic Internal Linking.)

Friends, this is a very good way through which there are chances of more traffic coming to your blog. And how can you do this in a very simple way, today I will tell you the same.

Steps to Create Automatic Internal Linking in Blogger Post:-

1. Friends, you have to first log in to your Blogger Account.
2. After that you have to click on Theme.
3. After that whatever theme you have installed in your Blogger will be shown, you have to click on Edit HTML here.
4. After clicking on Edit HTML, you have to control + F in your keyboard, then a search tab will appear in front of you </head>
How to Create Automatic internal links in Blogger Websites blogs post on page SEO 2020
 Search by typing

5. When you do a search by typing </head> after that, wherever you see written </head> text, you have to paste these codes above it. The codes are given below for you to download as CSS Scripts.
How to Create Automatic internal links in Blogger Websites blogs post on page SEO 2020
You will find the CSS Script to download below.

Download internal linking free CSS Script: - Click Here

6. After Paste the CSS Script, you have to do Control + F again and this time you will

Search by typing <data: post.body />.
How to Create Automatic internal links in Blogger Websites blogs post on page SEO 2020

Search by typing <data: post.body />.

7. When you search by writing this <data: post.body /> code, then you will see all the codes with this name, you have to enter the last where the code is written and you have to enter all the codes in the HTML script under it. 

Taxes to be paid. You can download HTML Script from below.

How to Create Automatic internal links in Blogger Websites blogs post on page SEO 2020

Download internal linking free HTML Script: - Click Here
8. When you will paste the codes of both these scripts in your Blogger Template, after that you have to save theme.

9. After that, as soon as you visit your Blogger website, tab will start showing Automatic Internal Linking Post in each of your posts.

Conclusion: -

Friends, you have to paste these two codes correctly and right where we told you. And this Automatic Internal Post Linking will definitely help in bringing traffic to your website. Friends, one thing you must keep in mind is that if you paste these codes in the wrong place in your HTML codes, then problem can also come in your website, so where we have told you that you paste the codes of both scripts.


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